ClassNK has released "ClassNK Technical Journal No.10 2024 (II)", providing a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and its activities on key topics such as GHG regulations, alternative fuels’ characteristics, availability, and cost projections, as well as cybersecurity, which has recently been introduced as IACS Unified Requirements.
"ClassNK Technical Journal”, has been published for contributing to the advancement of technology and society through the outcome of R&D and technical activities. The contents of the latest issue are as follows:
Special Feature Articles on “Latest GHG-Related Trends and NK Initiatives”

  • ClassNK Alternative Fuels Insight
  • IMO Guidelines on Life Cycle GHG Intensity of Marine Fuels
  • Trends in Alternative Fuel Ships and Activity of the Society
  • Trends in Development of Marine Dual Fuel Engines to Reduce GHG Emissions
Read More: ClassNK releases guidance for safe evacuation of crew members from vehicle carriers in case of fires

Technical Topics

  • Latest Trends in Ship Cybersecurity Regulations
  • Investigation on Nonlinearity of Vertical Wave Bending Moment Based upon CFD
  • Initial Deflection Measurement of Continuous Plates in Actual Ships Using 3D Laser Scanner
  • Recent Topics at IMO

ClassNK will continue research and development which contribute to securing the safety of human life and property at sea, protecting the marine environment, creating innovations that lead society, and will strive to contribute to the further development of maritime industry through such insight provision.


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Issue 94 of Robban Assafina

(Nov/ Dec. 2024)


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