The 3rd Annual Capital Link Japan Maritime Forum

Capital Link Investment Forums are known for the organization of large scale high quality maritime transportation and U.S. investment products in key industry centers, such as New York, London, Athens, Limassol, Shanghai, Tokyo and Hong Kong. We organize twelve to fourteen conferences annually, of which seven are focused on the maritime sector. Our events draw the elite of the global financial and investment communities.

The Capital Link brand is widely-recognized and valued worldwide by participants in these communities for the interactive quality and seamless delivery of informational and educational content, as well as superior networking opportunities.

In addition to conferences, Capital Link organizes Live Webinars and Podcasts focusing on investment strategies, sectors, critical topics of interest to the investment community and company presentations. Capital Link's global marketing platform enhances the visibility and reach of these events on a global scale that lasts well beyond the date on which each event is held, becoming a continuous reference point for market participants.